What is Icon On-site Design?

In on-site design, icons play a crucial role as visual elements that represent actions, features, or content on a website. Icons are small, symbolic images that aid in navigation, improve user experience, and enhance the aesthetic appeal of a website. They help users quickly identify and understand various functions or information without relying solely on text. Icons in on-site design are often used to guide users, indicate interactivity, or represent concepts in a more visually engaging way. Properly designed icons contribute to a more intuitive user interface, facilitate communication, and contribute to the overall branding and design coherence of a website.

How Should Site Designers Choose Their Iconography?

When choosing iconography for websites, designers should consider the following:

  1. Consistency: Maintain a consistent style throughout the icons to create a cohesive look.
  2. Clarity: Ensure icons are easily recognizable and convey their intended meaning.
  3. Relevance: Select icons that are relevant to the content or actions they represent on the website.
  4. Simplicity: Keep icons simple and avoid unnecessary complexity to aid quick comprehension.
  5. Scalability: Choose icons that scale well across different devices and screen sizes without losing clarity.
  6. Accessibility: Ensure icons are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by providing alternative text or labels.
  7. Aesthetic appeal: Icons should complement the overall design aesthetic of the website for a visually pleasing user experience.
  8. Usability: Prioritize usability by selecting icons that are intuitive and easy for users to understand and interact with.
  9. Brand consistency: Align iconography with the brand’s visual identity to reinforce brand recognition and consistency.
  10. Testing: Conduct user testing to gauge the effectiveness of the chosen icons in conveying information and guiding user interactions on the website.


In conclusion, when selecting iconography for websites, designers should prioritize consistency, clarity, relevance, simplicity, scalability, accessibility, aesthetic appeal, usability, brand consistency, and testing. By adhering to these principles, designers can create a visually cohesive and user-friendly website that effectively communicates information, enhances user experience, and reinforces the brand identity. Thoughtful consideration of these factors ensures that icons not only complement the overall design but also serve their intended purpose of facilitating navigation and communication on the website.